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    RS PRO 3.9kΩ Carbon Film Resistor 2W ±5%

    This image is representative of the product range

    Bulk discount available

    Subtotal (1 pack of 2000 units)**


    (exc. GST)


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    On back order for despatch 01/10/2025, delivery within 7 working days from despatch date.*

    * Delivery dates may change based on your chosen quantity and delivery address.

    Per unit
    Per Pack**
    2000 - 2000$0.085$170.00
    4000 - 6000$0.083$166.00
    8000 +$0.081$162.00

    **price indicative


    This product is not currently available. Here is our alternative recommendation.

    Each (In a Pack of 10)


    (exc. GST)


    (inc. GST)

    RS Stock No.:
    RS PRO

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