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      • Published 30 Apr 2024
      • Last Modified 30 Apr 2024
    • 9 min

    A Comprehensive Guide to Electric Actuators in New Zealand

    What are electric actuators? Find out everything you need to know about different types of electric actuators, including their advantages and disadvantages.

    Electric actuators are an essential component in a variety of industries, from manufacturing to automation. These devices are responsible for converting electrical energy into mechanical motion, making them a versatile and powerful tool for engineers and designers. In this guide, we'll explore the world of electric actuators, from their different types and applications to how they work and why they're so important.

    What are Electric Actuators?

    Electric actuators are devices that are used to control or move mechanisms by converting electrical energy into mechanical motion. They are widely used in a variety of applications, from industrial automation to home electronics. Electric actuators come in two main types: linear and rotary.

    Linear electric actuators are designed to create straight line motion, while rotary electric actuators are used to produce rotational motion. These devices are used in a wide range of applications, from opening and closing valves to controlling the position of a solar panel.

    Electric actuators are known for their precision, reliability, and ability to provide accurate and consistent motion control. They are often used in situations where precise control of motion is required, making them an essential tool in a wide range of industries.

    In the following sections, we'll explore the different types of electric actuators, how they work, and their various applications.

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    Types of Electric Actuators

    Electric actuators come in two main types: linear and rotary. Each type has its own unique advantages and is used in a wide range of applications.

    Linear Electric Actuators

    Linear electric actuators are designed to create straight line motion. They are often used in applications where precise control of motion is required, such as in industrial automation or robotics.

    There are a few different types of linear electric actuators, including:

    • Ball Screw Actuators: These actuators use a ball screw mechanism to convert rotary motion into linear motion. They are known for their high efficiency and precision.

    • Lead Screw Actuators: Similar to ball screw actuators, lead screw actuators use a lead screw mechanism to convert rotary motion into linear motion. They are often more cost-effective than ball screw actuators, but may not be as precise.

    • Belt Drive Actuators: Belt drive actuators use a belt and pulley system to create linear motion. They are often used in applications where high speed motion is required.

    Rotary Electric Actuators

    Rotary electric actuators are used to produce rotational motion. They are often used in applications such as opening and closing valves or controlling the position of a damper.

    Rotary electric actuators can be further divided into two categories:

    • Quarter-turn actuators: These actuators are designed to produce a 90 degree rotation. They are often used in applications where valves or dampers need to be fully opened or fully closed.
    • Multi-turn actuators: Multi-turn actuators are capable of producing more than a 90 degree rotation. They are often used in applications where precise control of the amount of rotation is required.

    How Electric Actuators Work

    Electric actuators work by converting electrical energy into mechanical motion. The specific mechanism by which they do this depends on the type of actuator, whether it be linear or rotary.

    How Do Linear Electric Actuators Work?

    Linear electric actuators work by converting electrical energy into linear motion. They typically consist of a few key components, including a motor, a lead screw or ball screw, and a guide mechanism.

    When the motor is activated, it rotates the lead screw or ball screw, which in turn causes the actuator to move along its axis. The guide mechanism ensures that the motion remains linear and that the actuator moves smoothly and accurately.

    One of the key advantages of linear electric actuators is their ability to provide precise and controlled linear motion, making them ideal for applications where accuracy is critical.

    How Do Rotary Electric Actuators Work?

    Rotary electric actuators, as the name suggests, are designed to produce rotational motion. They typically consist of a motor, a gearbox, and a mechanism for converting the rotary motion of the motor into a specific amount of rotation.

    The gearbox is used to control the speed and torque of the actuator, while the mechanism for converting the rotary motion ensures that the actuator can produce the desired amount of rotation.

    Rotary electric actuators are often used in applications where precise control of rotational motion is required, such as in valve control or the positioning of industrial equipment.

    Applications of Electric Actuators

    Electric actuators are used in a wide range of applications across various industries. Their ability to provide precise and controlled motion makes them an essential tool for engineers and designers. Below are some of the most common applications of electric actuators.

    Industrial Automation

    Electric actuators are widely used in industrial automation, where they play a key role in controlling the motion of machinery and equipment. They are often used in applications such as material handling, assembly lines, and packaging.

    Valve Control

    Electric actuators are commonly used to control the opening and closing of valves in a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, water treatment, and HVAC. They provide precise control over the flow of liquids and gases, making them essential for maintaining the safety and efficiency of industrial processes.


    Electric actuators are often used in robotics, where they are responsible for controlling the motion of robot arms and other robotic components. Their ability to provide precise and repeatable motion makes them an ideal choice for robotics applications.

    Home Automation

    In the realm of home automation, electric actuators play a key role in a variety of applications. They are used in everything from automatic door openers and window control to smart furniture and TV lifts.

    Why Use Electric Actuators?

    There are a few key reasons why electric actuators are often the preferred choice for applications that require precise and controlled motion. Below we'll explore some of the key advantages of electric actuators.

    Precision and Control

    Electric actuators provide precise and accurate motion control, making them well-suited for applications where exact positioning or timing is required. This level of control is essential in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to robotics.

    Ease of Use

    Electric actuators are typically easier to install and operate compared to other types of actuators. They can often be controlled remotely and integrated into automation systems with minimal effort, making them a convenient choice for engineers and designers.

    Energy Efficiency

    Electric actuators are often more energy efficient compared to other types of actuators, such as hydraulic or pneumatic actuators. This can result in cost savings over the long term, as less energy is required to operate the actuator.

    Low Maintenance

    Electric actuators generally require less maintenance compared to other types of actuators. They do not require the same level of care and attention as hydraulic or pneumatic actuators, which often need to be monitored for leaks or other i**ssues. **

    Pneumatic vs Electric Actuators

    In addition to electric actuators, another family is pneumatic actuators, which use a compressed gas (usually air) to move a piston and force the shaft forward and backwards. The gas pressure can be applied to alternate sides of the piston to make it move in different directions, or the gas can enter and leave at just one side and rely on a spring to return it to its original position. Rotational motion can be achieved using a rack and pinion.

    Pneumatic actuators still generally need electric power to compress the gas, but a single compressor can power multiple actuators, which can make them more efficient if used at scale. That does of course also mean that if the compressor fails, so do all the actuators, but backup compressors can solve that issue. Pneumatic actuators are also generally much faster and more powerful, but that energy release does come at the expense of precision. In general, electric actuators are preferred for smaller, more precise tasks, and pneumatic ones become more viable at a larger scale.

    In the next section, we'll explore some of the key considerations to keep in mind when selecting an electric actuator for your specific application.

    Considerations When Selecting an Electric Actuator

    When selecting an electric actuator for your specific application, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Below we'll explore some of the most important factors to consider when choosing an electric actuator.

    Load and Force Requirements

    One of the most important factors to consider is the load and force requirements of your application. You'll need to ensure that the electric actuator you choose is capable of providing enough force to move the load in your specific application.

    Speed and Stroke Length

    The speed at which the electric actuator can operate, as well as the stroke length it can provide, are also important considerations. Depending on your application, you may need the actuator to move at a certain speed or to provide a specific range of motion.

    Environmental Conditions

    Consider the environmental conditions in which the electric actuator will be operating. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to dust or other contaminants can all impact the performance and lifespan of the actuator.

    Control and Integration

    Consider how the electric actuator will be controlled and integrated into your existing systems. Most modern electric actuators can be controlled remotely and are compatible with automation and control systems.

    Maintenance and Lifecycle

    Consider the maintenance requirements of the electric actuator. Typically, electric actuators require less maintenance compared to other types of actuators, but it's still important to understand the manufacturer's recommendations for upkeep. Additionally, consider the expected lifecycle of the actuator to ensure it aligns with your application's needs.

    Compliance and Standards

    Ensure that the electric actuator you choose complies with relevant industry standards and regulations. This is particularly important in industries such as manufacturing and aerospace, where standards for safety and performance are stringent.

    Consult with Experts

    If you're unsure about which electric actuator is best for your specific application, it's always a good idea to consult with experts in the field. Manufacturers and suppliers of electric actuators can often provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience.

    By carefully considering these factors, you can select the right electric actuator for your application, ensuring optimal performance, safety, and efficiency.

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